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Intaglio, by Taylor Graham
Intaglio Her human hand rises from springing grass and waves of earth through nets and webs of air birds released to a vision of sun and moon fly higher lighter as the sky is free. In Chiaroscuro Marisa Sayago, Those Unseen Who came before and you thought departed but here she is from shades of…
Read MoreSeismic Debris, by Taylor Graham
Seismic Debris Just look at her face – that crack in the wall. Not every quake is geo-logic. But he’s on the other side looking the opposite direction. Maybe he felt the tremor, a shaking underfoot that made him sit down to consider. This crack in a wall still standing, but see how it’s bow’d…
Read MoreFamily Partner, by Taylor Graham
Family Partner My dog stares into the heart of me. Nose to skin she’s scenting what lies beneath, what came before. Her memory of scent is long and living. She could smell a cancer lurking, or a wish not spoken – powers that grow without our knowing. Airborne invisible specks of human scurf or a…
Read MoreAfter the Rupture, by Anne Evans
After the Rupture In the beginning we knew only beauty and a single focus. We thought as one, moved as one, and beheld our new world through the same perfect eyes. Those early days unfolded according to plan. No map was needed. No parents to lead the way. We had only The Voice in our…
Read MoreArtwork inspired poem, by Sherry Lynn Morris
Sun and moon in close harmony Stars brighten in the song Water flowing into hills Soft greens, hint at new life. Five digits pointing upward, Hand emerging from the earth, yet grounded . . . strength with possibilities. Birds in flight . . . dancing . . . Twin tail feathers direct the flow. Ever…
Read MoreMaldito, by Steve Talbert
Maldito Emaciation, thigh commonality And craft of brush in hand Outlines torso and limbs A lumpy leg without joint pain Knee replacement unnecessary Under thick cartilage Free from arthritis…. But. A slight jaundice noticeable For Hepatic diagnosis Of the figure, assumed male Possible projection by observer (Who is male) Upon this body balanced on skulls…
Read MoreThe Woman Dreaming, by Joanne Blossom
100% human created Ekphrastic poem The Woman Dreaming There is a high wall separating her from him She considers the cracks in the terracotta barrier Wonders who the wall will fall on Who will be the one injured or buried She dreams she will be the one unhurt. Her anguish becomes a dream It is…
Read MoreDay’s End, by Sue Crisp
DAY’S END The day has been long for the two of us. Me, holding down a job and raising a young child as a single mom. Her in pre-school, trying to adjust to missing her mom. Finally, the day is done and it’s our time together. The wearing hectic day has taken its toll on…
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