Maldito, by Steve Talbert


Emaciation, thigh commonality
And craft of brush in hand
Outlines torso and limbs
A lumpy leg without joint pain
Knee replacement unnecessary
Under thick cartilage
Free from arthritis…. But.
A slight jaundice noticeable
For Hepatic diagnosis
Of the figure, assumed male
Possible projection by observer
(Who is male)
Upon this body balanced on skulls
From Dias de Los Muertos
Thick statement of cultural identity
Mexican re-do of “The Thinker”
In fetal position
A finger at his lips signaling
An utterance from the viewer is expected
Some poem like thing of admiration
To come forth and extol
His solitary Being
The last to escape death
On a pyramid of skulls.


Steve Talbert

Marisa Sayago, Maldito, 2009, acrylic on canvas
Marisa Sayago, Maldito, 2009, acrylic on canvas