THE PLUNGE – Lara Gularte

Plunge to the Poloti, 2021 THE PLUNGE The moon brims over, we begin in white waters, reborn, we emerge.   Lara Gularte Plunge to the Poloti, 2021, Graphite on paper

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WHITE WINDS – Lara Gularte

White Winds, 2021 WHITE WINDS Wind blows in my face archangels bring light a dance of pure air.   Lara Gularte White winds, 2021, Oil on canvas

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Dream of a Harpy – Lara Gularte

Visions in a Dark Mirror, 2022 DREAM OF A HARPY She gazes into her Cheval mirror, searches for a reflection.   At the vanishing point, in the mirror’s depth of field, she finds herself in profile, a mythic raptor.   From inside the mirror to open window, an upward flight.   She rises into sky…

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