Plunge to the Poloti – Steve Talbert

Plunge to the Poloti, 2021 Plunge to the Poloti   I was at those Falls Defining memory-ware With Glacier polish Surviving Basalt globules From tectonic Mantel’s movement And North South slip joint Pressure as gradual release Under repeated Ice Cycles Glacial clearing- Leaving the top waterfall Funneling down into a fierce Moving sheet of water…

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Moon Behind Mountain – Carolyn Dyle

Spirit of the Puffing Wind, 2022 Moon Behind Mountain   Warbling wood thrush sing Whistling from thickets afar Soft sounds this evening   Sandhill cranes take flight Snowy plovers dance in dunes Trumpeter swans watch   Flocks in formation Sign it’s time for migration Better weather south   Tundra swans seek asylum On river delta…

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Talon & Wing – Taylor Graham

Spirit of the Puffing Wind, 2022, oil on canvas Talon & Wing   Sudden overhead banner in wind – Red-shoulder Hawk – scream-dance thru oaks.   Taylor Graham Spirit of the Puffing Wind, 2022, Oil on canvas

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Fire in the Sky – Taylor Graham

Fire in the Sky, 2022, oil on canvas Fire in the Sky   Dark ridge, deep canyons forest combusted to cloud – earth-scape in fire fall.   Landmarks torched away switchbacks where the trees held us – such sudden drop-offs.   On the burn-scar fringe skeleton of juniper aspen leafing out.   Taylor Graham Fire…

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Beyond Eden – Taylor Graham

North of Eden, 2022, oil on canvas Beyond Eden   on this giddy height what words can bridge the abyss? catch breath – breathe deeper   *who asks for poems about loss? this image – peaks at sunset, sunrise   Taylor Graham North of Eden, 2022, Oil on canvas

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Art, Life – Taylor Graham

Silent Dawn, 2019, oil on canvas Art, Life for a hiker killed in a fall, July 1983   seeking is the climb dawning into night – mountain, empty sky   edgy art of light – a hiker’s feet set on stone, lens on forever   lines imply movement shapes unmoving on paper textures spaces shades…

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Glacial Ghosts – Taylor Graham

Nanutak in Yellow (Apparitions and Glacial Ghosts), 2021 Glacial Ghosts   the mountain’s sunlit hand, stone fingers pointing skyward – and the spaces between   an eroding itch between the fingers the hand beckoning, guiding you upward –   and the itch that pulls you off your bearing daring you past your caution   drawing…

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Primordial – Taylor Graham

Primordial Sound (Center of the Universe), 2021 Primordial   Three days of wind and flowing water, pulse of brain and heart, raven, bits of trail talk, no other voices.   Topo map marked with our route – accomplished. Now driving home, symphony on car radio   but it jars. I’m still tuned to boot-step after…

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To the Mountain – Taylor Graham

Range of Light (Triptych), 2022, oil on canvas To the Mountain   You rise in my mind magnetic, your peaks hold north like an old compass.   Cold winters ago we searched you for a snowman buried under snow.   Thickets tangle us, you let us loose in meadow, your heights flowering cloud.   Taylor…

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North of Eden – Anton Nemeth

North of Eden, 2022 North of Eden Ten thousand pastel ghosts collide Melting sunset stolen hues Into shifting ragged shapeless lines Moving borders of misperception As departing daylight sets A cold and empty magic Storehouse of unlit tombstones Standing somewhat sentinel Over Edgeless shapes fading silently Toward un-mooned blue-black darkness Fleet with afterthoughts of re-reflected…

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