Dancing Ladies – Kat Solares

White Winds, 2021 Dancing Ladies   Dance, dance ladies in the dark Flowing white dresses Swirling in the wind with music   Kat Solares White winds, 2021, Oil on canvas

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Land of Death – Kat Solares

Face of a Woman Stained with Tears Land of Death   Jaws and teeth in boneyard scape You cannot scrape by Death passed through here yesterday   Kat Solares Face of a Young Woman Stained With Tears in Black, 2022, Oil on canvas

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Clownfish – Kat Solares

Nanutak in Black, 2021 Clownfish   Clownfish in anemone Colors all in shade Shall he eat you today, fish?   Kat Solares Nanutak in Black (Apparitions and Glacial Ghosts), 2021, Mixed media on paper

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Protest – Kat Solares

North of Eden, 2022 Protest   Clamors to the spectical Voices grow so loud about Together we will rise above   Kat Solares North of Eden, 2022, Oil on canvas

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Drowner – Kat Solares

Plunge to Poloti, 2021 Drowner   Falls. The water from the top. Eagle mountain drop Screams the child, I cannot swim   Kat Solares Plunge to the Poloti, 2021, Graphite on paper

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Playing Catch-Kat Solares

Death of a cloud, 2022 Playing Catch   The young boy views the flier Buzz buzz the bee sings loudly Catches him like a firefly   Kat Solares The Death of a Cloud (Arising, Abiding, Returning. The Same Unutterable Place), 2022, Oil on canvas edit

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Spill the Tea – Kat Solares

Untitled piece, 2021 Spill the tea   Leaves fall, trees sway, upside-down. Drip drop drape me over Now I can fill my teacup.   Kat Solares Untitled, 2021, Watercolor on paper

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Chicken Fight – Kat Solares

Visions in a dark mirror, 2021 Chicken Fight   Chicken licken finger crow Five four flight for me Eye to eye we stand, let’s fight!   Kat Solares Visions in a Dark Mirror, 2022, Oil on canvas

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Haiku – Steve Talbert

Haikus Inspired by the Dark Mountain, Deep Valley Exhibit   Well, count ’m all up Then the seven syllables, End with the last five.   First there’s being born Then comes a long stretch of time, Before cremation.   The high cost of gas Has become a test of nerves, Evaporation.   Young poets somewhere…

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Face of a Woman Stained with Tears – Steve Talbert

Face of a Woman Stained with Tears 3, 2021 Face of a Woman Stained with Tears   A Kinetic Motion The youthful figure I resent Going somewhere Simple space filling Projecting my own infected mind Harboring jealousy – It lingers, this image Strengthens maybe subsonic motion Instant data Karma transfer But… New York City amplified?…

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