Posts by Arts and Culture El Dorado
Youth Art Month: EDHS Student Takeover at Switchboard Gallery
In honor of National Youth Art Month, Arts and Culture El Doradois excited to launch our first annual Youth Arts Exhibition, showcasingartworks created by El Dorado County youth, grades 9-12. In Spring of 2024, El Dorado High School students took over Switchboard Gallery, curating a show of their own works. Successive years will feature artworks…
Read MoreDark Rough Memories, by Anton Nemeth
Dark Rough Memories A tribute to Claudine Grantham All the manufactured items of the world Last for a while and then are randomly swirled By human tossing or Nature’s elements Into time’s rivers, there to be sediments Seen on beaches, shores, lots, and hillsides strewn, And what once was cut, planed, formed and careful…
Read MoreCenotaphic Ana, by Anton Nemeth
Cenotaphic Ana No, this isn’t where she’s interred; Here you see a mere cenotaph Of resin, wood, and gauzy cloth That’s but a monumental word Declaring she walked and was A combatant in life’s long war And now she’s buried evermore. Anton Z. Nemeth Ana Revisited, 2001, Mixed media
Read MoreThoughts About A Memorial Montage, by Anton Nemeth
Thoughts About A Memorial Montage No, this is not where she’s interred. This is but a pale cenotaph That signs toward what’s referred. We do not know what rock or tree She’s deep or shallow buried by, Or in what fresh green meadow damp Or desert dry with shifting sands. Neither have we facts…
Read MoreStormed Out, by Anton Nemeth
Stormed Out Turbulent sleep hocked me up On this beach, my usual Bed, amidst the dry tangled Waves of dream tossed percale sheets And that lying comforter That failed its one yclept job. The islands of my pillows, That might have been lamely grasped In unconscious dreamy frays With squiddy nightmares chasing, Unlike…
Read MoreA Midwife’s Memoir Penned in Tears, by Garrett Ramos
A Midwife’s Memoir Penned in Tears What cruel adulterate alchemy Did torture this alembic, thy womb! Were not the frost the bane of elder days? Not so, alas: The winter’s droplet hath Betimes imbued thy still‐distilling spring, And given unto budding life A deathly flowering. *** Some of these words are archaic. See this…
Read MoreThe Container Speaks, by Annette Carasco
The Container Speaks I am the vessel the earth beneath her feet the one you came to see I am forged of sunshine my golden exterior emanating warmth to comfort and protect I am fashioned from linen and glue Painstakingly molded, layer upon layer With a gaping maw in my center I…
Read MorePerspective, by Annette Carasco
Perspective Am I in the womb or a coffin? Am I about to be born or buried? Am I hemmed in by these walls or protected by them? Is this my prison or my place of safety? Is this a window to my soul? Or am I simply on display? Am I vulnerable in my…
Read MoreJust Off The Trail, by Taylor Graham
Just off the Trail She walks thru a tunnel, portal to a different world where she disappears up hardpan paths. Woodland textures Aae speaking to her hands, bare branches she’s lined up for a fence camo’d by straw sunburned brown, lumber once a door now a bed for sleeping, salvaged cast-offs. …
Read MorePuzzle, by Taylor Graham
Puzzle Every one leaning into the yoke, their shod feet indispensable to the surviving hole. Both of them waiting beneath the curved blade, its hammered form a question unspoken, always known. As if a double fan made for two hands but too ponderous to lift to summon a light breeze. Bits and…
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