Specters On Glass

Specters on Glass: Studio Portraiture in Early 20th c. Placerville, Arts and Culture El Dorado’s latest exhibition at Switchboard Gallery, opened Thursday, August 22, and runs through Sunday, October 6. There was an Opening Reception in the Gallery, located at 525 Main Street, on Thursday, August 22 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. A collaboration…

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2024 El Dorado County Poetry Out Loud

  Poetry Out Loud is a national poetry recitation competition for high school students. In El Dorado County, the competition is administered by Arts and Culture El Dorado in partnership with the California Arts Council. A vehicle for inspiration and instruction, Poetry Out Loud provides students with a variety of resources to help them memorize,…

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ForestSong: Creativity and Resilience in Forest Communities

ForestSong is an art project by Andie Thrams that centers on painting Forest Prayer Flags to deepen appreciation of and connection to forests, address environmental loss, and celebrate biophilia. The project also shares contemporary wildfire and forest ecology, and suggests actionable steps to foster environmental stewardship for individuals and communities.

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A Picture’s Worth: NEA Big Read at the Gallery

A Picture’s Worth: NEA Big Read at the Gallery. This exhibition of illustrator Gavin Sellers-Norman’s original work features illustrations inspired by community-sourced oral histories and original audio recordings by personal historian Mariah Padilla. Opened with a reception on May 23 at 6 pm and ran through June 30, 2024. Click Here To Access Stories and…

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Youth Art Month: EDHS Student Takeover at Switchboard Gallery

In honor of National Youth Art Month, Arts and Culture El Doradois excited to launch our first annual Youth Arts Exhibition, showcasingartworks created by El Dorado County youth, grades 9-12. In Spring of 2024, El Dorado High School students took over Switchboard Gallery, curating a show of their own works. Successive years will feature artworks…

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Dark Rough Memories, by Anton Nemeth

Dark Rough Memories A tribute to Claudine Grantham   All the manufactured items of the world Last for a while and then are randomly swirled By human tossing or Nature’s elements Into time’s rivers, there to be sediments Seen on beaches, shores, lots, and hillsides strewn, And what once was cut, planed, formed and careful…

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Cenotaphic Ana, by Anton Nemeth

Cenotaphic Ana   No, this isn’t where she’s interred; Here you see a mere cenotaph Of resin, wood, and gauzy cloth That’s but a monumental word Declaring she walked and was A combatant in life’s long war And now she’s buried evermore.     Anton Z. Nemeth Ana Revisited, 2001, Mixed media

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Thoughts About A Memorial Montage, by Anton Nemeth

Thoughts About A Memorial Montage   No, this is not where she’s interred. This is but a pale cenotaph That signs toward what’s referred. We do not know what rock or tree She’s deep or shallow buried by, Or in what fresh green meadow damp Or desert dry with shifting sands. Neither have we facts…

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Stormed Out, by Anton Nemeth

Stormed Out   Turbulent sleep hocked me up On this beach, my usual Bed, amidst the dry tangled Waves of dream tossed percale sheets And that lying comforter That failed its one yclept job.   The islands of my pillows, That might have been lamely grasped In unconscious dreamy frays With squiddy nightmares chasing, Unlike…

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