The Smoke, the Flame, by Shelley Wagner

The Smoke, the Flame


The wind blew a firestorm

Into my house, into my neighbor’s house.

It left through the pine trees

Dared to return, to burn, to creep


Into my house, my neighbor’s house.

The smoke, the flame

Dared to return, to burn, to creep

Across virgin ground


The smoke, the flame

It left through the pine trees

Across virgin ground

The wind blew a firestorm


by Shelley Wagner

Uncontrolled, 2023, Giclée print, Still from the digital video FIRELAND Big Burn
Uncontrolled, 2023, Giclée print, Still from the digital video FIRELAND Big Burn
Rate of Recovery, 2023, Giclée print. Still from the digital video FIRELAND The Seer and the Seed
Rate of Recovery, 2023, Giclée print. Still from the digital video FIRELAND The Seer and the Seed