The Last Ride – Sue McMahon
Justin Boyd, Tahoe from Above #1
The Last Ride
I took my old board out
for one last ride
on the west slope
fair grounds
the wheels were rickety
and the wood was chipped,
when I rode it real fast the
axles made a terrible sound
I felt a pop on my board
that day while all
four axle nuts flew off
and sent me into a wall
with a hard slam
I fell to the ground,
seeing my board
all broken and cracked
made me sad to lose
my ol' favorite deck
so I sanded her down
and carved a sweet scene
of the Sierra Nevada
and Lake Tahoe's blue
I stained the wood
and lacquered her too
she was a beauty to see
up on the wall
full of my memories
skating into the hue

Justin Boyd, Tahoe from Above 1 and 2, 2019, Pyrograph on wood