The Burn That Saved Our Landing, by Taylor Graham

The Burn That Saved Our Landing


Flash-back. The day we drove out Caldor Road

where we sometimes trained our search dogs.

Forest Service beat us there; you recognized

Barry’s rig. What was his crew up to?

Maybe your dog could find him --


up a little trail, green forest on the one side,

fresh char on the other; a control burn.

Dog tracked through drifts of smoke

to find Barry.

I almost forgot that little episode

from years ago – until I drove

back out that road, after the Caldor Fire cooled.


Black skeletons of trees.

Here, our landing – conifers scorched, but

still green in their upper reaches.

A stringer of manzanita, deer-brush,

ponderosa, oak, and incense cedar –

untouched. Fresh scat

of a forest creature. Raven calling

Nevermore from the top of a living evergreen.


-Taylor Graham

Beneficial Disturbance, 2023, Giclée print, Still from the digital video FIRELAND The Seer and the Seed
Beneficial Disturbance, 2023, Giclée print, Still from the digital video FIRELAND The Seer and the Seed