Switchboard Connections - Details + Materials: Works by Claudine Granthem
During the runtime of Details+Materials: Works by Claudine Granthem El Dorado County Poet Laureate 2021-2023, Lara Gularte, led a poetry writing workshop in ekphrasis in the Switchboard Gallery. Surrounded by the artwork from Details+Materials poets crafted poems inspired by what was in the gallery. Lara then facilitated a reading of the poems which came from the workshop for the public to enjoy - those poems are below.
Photos from the reading are by Lara Gularte
A Midwife’s Memoir Penned in Tears What cruel adulterate alchemy Did torture this alembic, thy womb! Were not the frost the bane of elder days? Not so, alas: The winter’s droplet hath Betimes imbued thy still‐distilling spring, And given unto budding life A deathly flowering. *** Some of these words are archaic. See this…
Read MoreBound Past and Future Bound in a moment of Time and Ties as in what slips away and what binds us charred and woven carved into and out from marking change in scrawl and nails ritual scars Intended to liberate us drawing us into places finding ourselves hooked by Gemma Benton Hooked, 2003, Painted…
Read MoreCenotaphic Ana No, this isn’t where she’s interred; Here you see a mere cenotaph Of resin, wood, and gauzy cloth That’s but a monumental word Declaring she walked and was A combatant in life’s long war And now she’s buried evermore. Anton Z. Nemeth Ana Revisited, 2001, Mixed media
Read MoreChine Feel it in the bones discs fail joints not quite aligned trying for the vertical within softly eroding flesh. by Taylor Graham Chine, c. 2005, Mixed media
Read MoreDark Rough Memories A tribute to Claudine Grantham All the manufactured items of the world Last for a while and then are randomly swirled By human tossing or Nature’s elements Into time’s rivers, there to be sediments Seen on beaches, shores, lots, and hillsides strewn, And what once was cut, planed, formed and careful…
Read MoreGolden A golden case, frame of gathers & folds & pleats & intricately artfully designed by an unseen mind; smooth surfaces polished mirror-bright by invisible hands to form this perfect golden resting place recessed within the artful box, for whom? so deep within, we can’t see the eyes. Is anyone in…
Read MoreHis Face Must wood and metal hold him together, hold his face inside themselves? But see how well-worn weaves of fiber stretch, reach with frayed edges seeking to join the unyielding with supple fabric of life. Cracked, 2006, Mixed media
Read MoreJust off the Trail She walks thru a tunnel, portal to a different world where she disappears up hardpan paths. Woodland textures Aae speaking to her hands, bare branches she’s lined up for a fence camo’d by straw sunburned brown, lumber once a door now a bed for sleeping, salvaged cast-offs. …
Read MoreMETALSOM It’s a brass torso Details riveted and Attached baffles Giving a burnt patina, Extruding, somewhat painful wire Around ribs’, ‘n exhibited inducement To reveal full customer list; Plus, source identities of all involved In unnamed substance distribution. After the chain sawing of neck and legs- Remains tossed over the freeway To horrified passing traffic;…
Read MorePerspective Am I in the womb or a coffin? Am I about to be born or buried? Am I hemmed in by these walls or protected by them? Is this my prison or my place of safety? Is this a window to my soul? Or am I simply on display? Am I vulnerable in my…
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