Poppy – Steve Talbert
Nate Reifke, Poppy, 2020, Ink On Wood
This board with painting has seen action
Skid marks digging through poly-coating
Reveal kinetic uprising through real urban
Boarding in many a flip and toe trick
Grinding the back edge on concrete as brakes;
Board to absorb full body weight coming down
Flexible to receive shock creating many hours
Clatter in the urban skateboard pen… That
The City Fathers designed to contain the racket
And keep you away from the strolling elderly
In front of the Mall … But only
After they carefully considered Liability issues
From potential injury resulting in the large green
Sign at entrance reminding all boarders that
They are responsible for their own bruises.

Nate Reifke, Poppy, 2020, Printed ink on wood