CARES GRANTS TO ARTS AND CULTURE ORGANIZATIONS SERVING COMMUNITIES OF COLOR Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Organization Name *Address *Phone Number *WebsiteContact Name *FirstLastContact Email *Contact Phone Number *Briefly summarize the mission of your organization: *Maximum 100 words.PROJECT OR PROGRAM: Please state the purpose of the project or program and specifically what the funds, if awarded, would be used for. *Maximum 250 words.IMPACT: What would be the impact of this funding? Who is expected to benefit? *Maximum 250 wordsAUDIENCE/PARTICIPANTS/COMMUNITY: Describe your organization’s audience, participants, and community or communities served. Who are your community partners? *Maximum 250 words.ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL BUDGET: Enter the number that represents revenue for the most recent fiscal year; explanatory notes optional. *Maximum 100 words.CommentSubmit