Caldor Firestorm, by Carolyn S. Dyle
Caldor Firestorm
A night of fire and fury
Our hearts trembled
Our minds seized by shock
A firestorm raging upon us
Flames devouring every living thing
Above and beneath the earth
Relentless and unmerciful
Firey embers raining from the sky
We flee with terror in our hearts
The firestorm charges eastward
Leaving ash heaps of total devastation
Roots and trunks of mighty Ponderosa Pines
Still standing, smoldering, dying
Yet hope, disbelief remained in our hearts
Until the video from fire crews confirmed
“This was your home – it’s gone – nothing left!”
Our forever home, now forever gone.
-Carolyn S. Dyle

Big Burn Remains, 2023, Giclée print, Still from the digital video FIRELAND Big Burn