Normadene Carpenter Award 2021
Co-chairs Paul and Maggie Bush and Tom Heflin and Christa Campbell
Thursday, November 4, 2021 ▪ 6:00 – 8:00 pm ▪ Boeger Winery

About Lexi
Artist, writer, teacher, yarn-spinner (fiber and fiction), fly-fisher, designer and master of obscure crafts and forgotten pastimes. Lexi took a BA of Fine Arts from UC Davis and didn't apply it to any kind of useful career path. Instead she stepped off of a foundation in the arts onto a meandering and kaleidoscopic path that led to graphics and tech training in the unforgiving internet bubble of 2000's Silicon Valley, a fly-fishing and guide school for women called Fly-Girls, a blog before there were blogs called Marsha Hubert where email lists were blasted with uninvited recipes after "Marsha" had had a few cocktails, a random fascination with fiber and yarn spinning that turned into a 15 year long international career of teaching really "wrong" spinning techniques to traditional crafters, blowing minds with just how liberating the creative process can be- especially when introduced to areas where it is not allowed. This is the thread that connects Lexi's contributions; apply the creative process and creative liberty to all things, especially things that are stuck or need growth: students, business, politics and policy (especially!). Lexi volunteers her time to mentor and teach art (or anything) to kids and young adults knowing that they are going to do things so much more awesomely than we can and signs up for all the boards where she feels like she can shake things up for the positive. She served on the board of the El Dorado Winery Association for eight years, most recently as President, and is currently working on economic development issues for CEDAC and on local housing initiatives for Housing El Dorado. Brand builder, product designer and entrepreneur, Lexi has published four books; three creative process books and one novel about fly-fishing chicks and ghosts in Mother Lode wine-country (a total fiction). She also has a line of designer dessert wine. She has no business card. You might be able to hire her for something, it might not be what you expect.
Handspun Revolution, 2005, Pluckyfluff Press
Intertwined, The Art of Handspun Yarn, 2008, Quarry/Rockport Publishers
Handspun, New Spins on Traditional Techniques, 2012, Quarry/Rockport Publishers
Not Lost For Lookin', 2013, LULU Press
In honor of Lexi's dynamic personality
Free Spirit
Custom Amount
Click here to see previous Normadene Carpenter Award recipients.