A Room of Her Own – Lara Gularte

Inspired by Universal Dreamer, Cherie Hacker
Room of their Own Exhibition, Arts and Culture El Dorado
She’s a dreamer, a graceful climber--
on a journey toward the light of a full moon destiny.
As she sleeps, ivy plants grow around her.
Deep in dream, she finds a roofless room on top of the world
where everything floats in the sky.
Changing light, clouds, pour through her head.
Half earthbound, half among the stars,
she sits cross legged on the huge mound of earth dirt
covering the ruins of the old civilization.
In trance, her visions airborne with wind currents.
Geese fly away from their migrations to join her.
Ancestors in pods toss around her in the wind.
She’s a universal woman, who holds up earth and sky.
By Lara Gularte