Purple Clusters, by Taylor Graham

She can hardly get enough

of those purple clusters hanging from the vine.

I think of her as I walk our fenceline

lush with twining vetch, its sprays of purple

blossoms on lacy green vines –

invasive but beneficial. Beautiful; hard to mow.

Vetch gives early nectar for honey bees,

food for quail, wild turkey, rabbits.

It’s a nitrogen-fixer, good for the soil.

This year we have a bounty crop

on field and fence. It challenges my weed-eater,

winding wreaths and garlands

around the trimmer head. If only its clusters

of purple blossoms were grapes!


Taylor Graham

Pamela Findleton, Lady Merlot, 2004, Watercolor
Pamela Findleton, Lady Merlot, 2004, Watercolor