This hilarious musical stars Robert Morse (Mad Men) as a charming and scheming window washer who climbs to the top of the corporate ladder by way of a self-help book. Click here to see more.
Kilwa Kisiwani is an island community off the southern coast of present-day Tanzania in eastern Africa. Historically, it was the center of the Kilwa Sultanate, a medieval sultanate whose authority at its height in the 13th-15th centuries stretched the entire length of the Swahili Coast. Kilwa Kisiwani has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site along with the nearby town of Songo Mnara. Click here to see more.
In this online video lesson, artist Eileen McKenna teaches her process for painting beach and ocean scenes in watercolor. Click here to see more.
Art, as we understand the term, is an activity unique to homo sapiens and perhaps some of our early hominid cousins. This much we know. But the matter of when early humans began making art is less certain. Until recently, it was thought that the earliest prehistoric art dated back some 40,000 years, to cave drawings found in Indonesia and Spain. Turns out it's more like 73,000 years! Click here to see more.
Wander around the Phatra Market in Bangkok, Thiland, and delight in the sights and sounds of another country without ever leaving your living room. Click here to see more.
Titling an artwork can be one of the most difficult things an artist has to do. What if we choose the wrong one – the creation will be stuck with it forever after it is on display! In spite of these concerns, a perfect title can be devised through a thorough study of your intent, and what you want the viewer to see in your artwork. Click here to see more.
Hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr., with additional commentary from author Joan Morgan, Jelani Cobb of Columbia University, rapper Nas, and filmmaker Ava Duvernay, Black History In Two Minutes (Or So) celebrates an underground cultural movement that has unified people and has become the most streamed genre of the present day. Click here to see more.
In September 2018, a fire ripped though the 200-year-old museum causing the loss of an estimated 92.5% of its 20-million-item archive (one of the largest collections of natural history and anthropological artifacts in the world), but not before Google Arts & Culture digitized enough to recreate the experience of visiting the National Museum virtually. Click here to see more.
These free bunny sewing patterns are so easy you can get your kids involved! Click here to see more.
In the 1930's this 18,000-year-old shell was discovered 150 miles away from the Atlantic Ocean in the Marsoulas Cave, which is located in the foothills of the French Pyrenees. It's discoverers assumed it must have been a large ceremonial cup, and it sat for over 80 years in the Natural History Museum of Toulouse. Only recently, in 2016, did researchers suspect it could be a musical instrument. Click here to see more.